Thursday 22 October 2015





    A Living corner is a valuable part of a science department in school. Through the ideal way to gain knowledge is to observe objects and phenomenon in their natural setting but in the present educational set up there is only a little opportunity for this. A living corner can help in this aspect by way to providing many examples of things which may be kept in such a living corner. Living corners not only provides necessary helps in teaching but also helps in creating the eight type of scientific atmosphere in the school.
           A good living corner should have exhibits  which are natural. A living corner is a biological laboratory specimen held by a biorepository  for research . Such a specimen would be taken by sampling so as to be representative.  Of any other specimen.  when biological specimens are stored , ideally they remain equivalent to freshly collected specimens for the purpose of research .

         Collecting plants and animals is essential for scientific studies and conversation and does not some critics of the practices have suggested play a significant role in species extinction. 


  • To focus attention on science experience in school
  • To stimulate interest in science by all pupil
  • To arose curiosity in scientific investigation over and above the routine class work
  • To provide stimulation for scientific hobby pursuits
  • To develop the habit of extra study and provide a useful means of occupying their leisure time


                               A vivarium is an area usually enclosed for keeping and rearing animals or plants for observation and research. Often, a portion of ecosystem for a particular species is stimulated on a small scale, with controls on environmental conditions.
                                           A vivarium may be small enough to s it on a desk or table, such as an aquarium or terrarium or maybe a very large structure, possibly outdoors. Large vivaria, particularly those holding organisms capable of light, typically include some sort of dual door mechanism such as sally port for entry and exit, so that the outdoor can be closed to prevent escape before the inner door is opened.

There are various forms of vivaria including


Simulating water habit for instance a river, lake or sea; but only the submerged area of these natural habitats. Plants in the water will use some nitrogen within the system and will provide areas fororganisms to hide and forage .


Containing insects and arachoids


With species of ants


 Simulating  a dry habitat for instance desert or savannah. A terrarium can also be formed to create a temperate wood land habitat and even jungle like habitat. This can be created with pebbles leaf litter and soil

Avi culture

 The world wide hobby of keeping and breeding birds in captivity to maintain their numerical status in nature with a view of forestalling their extinction by supplying aviary raised stock


An aquarium is a vivarium consisting of at least one transparent side in which water dwelling plants or animals are kept.  Fish keepers use aquaria to keep fish, invertebrates and amphibians. The term coined by English naturalist Philip Henry goose, combined the Latin root aqua meaning water, with the suffix atrium “a place for relating to “. The aquarium principle was fully developed in 1850 by the chemists Robert Warrington who explained that plants added to water in a container would give off enough oxygen to support animals so long as their numbers do not grew too large.


Aquarium and other live displays are of  value to more than biology. These set ups can be inspiring. Think of application a nice aquarium setup and some colorful fishes can inspire kids of any age to create art and creating stories too. They can even be tools for math, applying formulae to find out volume, dosing amounts of supplements or medications and much more. Imagine the classrooms and problem solving  skills that can be developed using such a tool…the possibilities are endless.


Contemptation of fish in an aquarium seem to have a significant effect in reducing Levels of stress and anxiety in students.


Aviculture is the practice of keeping birds (Class Aves) in captivity using controlled conditions, normally within the confines of an aviary, for hobby, business, research & conservation purposes.
Some important reasons for aviculture are: breeding birds to preserve the species because many avian species are at risk due to habitat destruction and natural disaster. Aviculture encourages conservation, provides education about avian species, provides companion birds for the public, and includes research on avian behavior.
The truest meaning of aviculture, was described by Dr. Jean Delacous, the most dedicated, influential, and highly respected individual in the modern history of aviculture.
"Aviculture - The worldwide hobby of keeping and breeding numerous species of wild birds in captivity to maintain their numerical status in nature with a view of forestalling their extinction by supplying aviary raised stock".


Terrariums are usually sealable glass containers that can be opened for maintenance and to access the plants inside. However, this is not essential; terrariums can also be open to the atmosphere rather than being sealed. Terrariums are often kept as decorative or ornamental items. Closed terrariums create a unique environment for plant growth, as the transparent walls allow for both heat and light to enter the terrarium. The sealed container combined with the heat entering the terrarium allows for the creation of a small scale water cycle. This happens because moisture from both the soil and plants evaporates in the elevated temperatures inside the terrarium. This water vapor then condenses on the walls of the container, and eventually falls back to the plants and soil below. This contributes to creating an ideal environment for growing plants due to the constant supply of water, thereby preventing the plants from becoming over dry. In addition to this, the light that passes through the transparent material of the terrarium allows for the plants within to photosynthesis, an important aspect of plant growth.


Living corners are powerful tool for transacting the educational information through direct experience. It will also enhance the love for nature and other organisms. Living corners will enhance the habit of extra study  and it will develop scientific hobby in students. Aquarium and Avi culture are the two major living corners functioned in the school. It is a valuable part of science department in school. These are the different methods for preservation of organisms. It will provide a positive attitude among students towards the habitat of organisms.